About Shara: Though not from it eventually, Shara has found Eorzea to be her home. Rogue, warrior of both the Immortal Flames and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, courtesan, but now primarily staff at Drifted Cooldowns. Eorzea is her home, and the community around DC has wound up being a sort of family for her. Life is often strange, but that makes the beauty that comes from it all the more wonderful.


Roberta's Orgy

A take on the Aunt Roberta's cocktail, considered one of the stronger cocktails around. Shara's version adds a bit more of the blackberry liqueur than most, while still including a healthy dose of absinthe, brandy, gin and vodka. Garnished with blackberry. Orgy involving a woman named Roberta not guaranteed, but also not impossible.

PRICE: 10 000 Gil

Sex with Satin

A recipe that was apparently found in an old and damaged tome from the Weeping city of Mhach. The name of the drink was mostly legible, with only the second to last letter missing... Satin is the only word that would fit so well, no? Regardless, another in a long line of alcoholic ice teas, this one more cherry flavored than most, while still giving rum, tequila, gin, vodka, triple sec, a touch of gin, a nice bit of cherry brandy, and topped with soda and grenadine. Garnished with a cherry, of course.

PRICE: 10 000 Gil

Murder Poison

Name was indeed come up with on the spot. This drink is not fixed, it is whatever Shara feels like throwing into a glass and mixing up for you. It will probably be very little but random bits of alcohol, and maybe some flavorings aside from those added in. Will probably not actually include poison... unless there's unmarked rat poison in the cupboards that night. Which is not impossible. DC and its staff are not responsible for any fatal outcomes from imbibing a drink after ordering this.

PRICE: 20 000 Gil

Flavored Teas

Want a peach tea? Splash some lemonade in there, or a nice blackberry tea? Raspberry, or maybe just... tea? Hot or cold, Shara will whip something up.

5 000 Gil. For an additional 5 000 Gil, add a shot of alcohol.


I dunno- I promise most of them won't have lead?

5 000 Gil


Strip Death Roll

Favor seeing Shara (mostly) naked? Challenge her to a deathroll, if you don't know the rules, ask and she'll be happy to explain. Take a shot at stripping Shara down to her essentials. your gil the ante up against her clothing. If you win, she'll lose her top and bottom no matter what, but will tend to keep shoes and gloves... nothing like some accessories to accentuate the nudity, mmm? If you want those off too, though, to really strip her /utterly/ bare, just ask, and those are yours, too. 1 million Gil as the ante, feel free to bet your clothes, too. Nothing wrong with adding more danger, right?

PRICE: 1 000 000 Gil


Rule 1: Drifted Cooldowns is a venue for people that are 18 years of age and above. No exceptions. And that means both the character, and you, the person playing the character.Rule 2: Consent matters at all times. While DC fosters a lewd and relaxed atmosphere, do not assume anyone is up for grabs. Read the room, feel it out, and if you're at all uncertain, ask if the person is interested in whatever you're planning. This is not up for debate. Do not push people.Rule 3: We're a more... open venue, than most. If you don't like the vibes, don't feel bad about leaving... we're not for everyone. But if it's a specific person making you uncomfortable, don't be afraid to message Shara Hyskaris, if she's there... and she usually is.Rule 4: On a lighter note than the other rules, the Puppy is Ina. Pet the Puppy! But only a bit, even pups need some rest.